Do you Meditate or use Positive Affirmations in your Practice?

I honestly asked this question as an “in” to tell you that I personally believe these two things to be the foundation of my practice. Incorporating meditation and positive affirmations made more of a difference on my ability to manifest reality than anything else.

This part is simple so I will try to keep my piece short. Meditation is the most important part of witchcraft. If you can’t control your mind, you cannot create changes in your reality. Be still, sit with your mind and know your inner truth. Magick is your will and it takes a clear mind.

The second part I find is hard to sell some witches on, positive affirmations. The truth is all the cells in your body only know negative or positive. They can’t tell when the mean words you are saying about yourself are just a joke; nope, just a negative vibe is received. We attract what we give out. Getting into a more positive mindset can be hard for some, but well worth the investment. Start by writing a list once a week of things you are grateful for. Being grateful attracts more reasons to be grateful. Use words that uplift when describing your world. Let go of the things that no longer serve you. Try going for a whole week without complaining once about anything. Slowly start to purge the unnecessary toxic negativity from your world by replacing it with positive one day at a time.

I watched my life change when I started incorporating these practices. I evolved and I can’t imagine going back. If you are not doing these things already I urge you to start and impress yourself with how fast you level up. A higher vibe is worth the time.