About Us


Miss Mayhem

I am Miss Mayhem, an arts and craftswoman from San Francisco, CA. My passion is making art by bringing life to old discarded objects. I personally love working with bones, furs and feathers humanely sourced animals. With Infinity Coven, my intent is to make items that bring compassion and joy to others through various pagan, natural and creative items. My personal path has led me to Streganeria (Italian witchcraft), and Shamanic practices. Although I can never truly be a Shaman, I have learned a lot about the use of sacred tools in rituals, and I hope to make those items easier to find and/or personalize for the members of Infinity Coven.

When we feel good about ourselves and what we can accomplish, world change! The witches at Infinity Coven strive to make products that make people feel good. We believe that when your cup is full of joy and love, that the overflow will effect those around you, making the world as a whole a better place.


Green Witch Of Willow Glen

This Green Witch is sharing her magick with you. As I grow my vision of inspiring your inner magick I face new challenges that help me evolve. Let’s inspire each other’s growth and make magick together!

I am blessed to be contributing to this amazing and infinite Coven by offering tools and rituals. My sun and moon are air signs, my inner strength fuels your flame to help you manifest your desires. Being creative is my form of therapy and how I positively change my reality.

I am obsessed with witchy fashion and passionate about bringing stylish witches a line of Witch Hats they can feel powerful in. I enjoy creating content for Infinity Coven in the form of our Book of Shadow Pages, Tarot, Spells, Runes and Rituals.

I will continue to shoot for the stars with ambitions of a Brick & Mortar Tea House, Fashion Line for Witches, Brewery for Witches and Books on Green Magick. Join me while I build a Witchy Empire with my Coven!

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Earthbound Craftworks

Merry meet, sisters and brothers! I am Barbie (a nickname coined for me many moons ago) and I am an eclectic witch of Norse and Celtic heritage and a Aquarius/Pisces cusp baby.  I am also a nurturing mother, a loving wife, a DIY-and-craft-a-holic, a devout lover of nature and animals, and co-founder - alongside my husbeast - of Earthbound Craftworks, a business rooted in providing various natural, sustainable and magical products for warlocks and witches alike.

As a busy work-at-home mom to one vivacious and insanely smart (if I do say so myself) baby witch, it has been a slow process getting Earthbound up and running to the point that the husbeast and I can quit our day jobs and focus solely on our crafts and sustainable homesteading, so when the coven convened and had the idea to share our mutual love of magick and our respective products with all of you, I jumped right on the broomstick! I am super excited to be joining forces with Infinity Coven, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share the products and crafts of Earthbound Craftworks with you as we continue to grow and build our business. We’re just getting started on this adventure and are super excited to share our journey with you! If you would like to follow our transformation from tiny at home crafters to sustainable homesteading business, follow us on social media @Earthboundcraftworks.

The importance of self care and ritual bathing is often overlooked in magic these days, but historically, it was (and in my opinion still is) one of the most important rituals any witch can do. The cleansing properties of water combined with an uplifting or relaxing fragrance can set the tone and align your mental energies for any ceremony or ritual. “Your body is a temple” is an idiom I have always felt was closer to truth than metaphor, since our body houses our knowledge and our souls, and is the one thing that binds our spiritual bodies to this earthly realm. This is why a majority of what I will be offering through Infinity Coven will be soaps, balms, salves, oils, bath bombs and other natural and magically fragranced self care products that are good for body, Earth and soul.